Barack Obama was elected in 2008 by a resounding margin. He came to office on promises of hope and change that reflected America's distaste with the final years of the Bush regime, tiredness of war, apprehension about the economy, and the American need to see the silver lining in it all. The American Dream needed to be reinvigorated and kept alive and Americans needed to feel good about themselves. His victory cut across partisan lines and it felt truly historic in no small measure because of his race. His first term was marked by some significant achievements and failures. In the face of the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression, America took a big hit and its recovery has been slow, and painful. Budget deficits and the national debt continue to increase astronomically and the bipartisanship that Obama promised seems nowhere to be found. Obama did manage to introduce his plan to universalize health-care insurance. He has ended the war in Iraq and is in the process of doing so in Afghanistan. And, of course, they 'got' Osama Bin Laden.
The election was (despite the attempts of some third-party candidates) a decision between two different men with two different visions for America; to understand one candidate we must view them in context with the other. Mitt Romney was known as the moderate Republican Governor of Massachusetts. In fact, that plan for the universalization of healthcare that the Obama administration boasts of –but receives very mixed levels of approval by for-- was taken directly from Romney's plan in Massachusetts. During the Republican primaries, however, Romney continually tacked further and further to the right. Some of the positions he was 'forced' into worked but, they certainly gave the impression of a different Mitt. On his own healthcare plan, for example, he took a position acceptable to most Republicans and states-rights proponents: that his plan worked for Massachusetts and that states should all work towards their own localized plan, rather than having the federal government legislate a one-size-fits-all plan. Fair enough. But Romney tacked to the right on abortion and contraception. He pledged no tax increases whatsoever, even if huge budget cuts were agreed to by the Senate and Congress; the economics of the American debt-load requires an unfortunate mixture of expenditure reduction and tax increase if Americans ever hope to adequately address the issue. Romney's march onward and rightward was deemed necessary by many experts who insisted that if he didn't move to the right primary voters would reject him and vote in one of his more radical opponents. Unfortunately it also did damage to Romney amongst the very voters that he had such an opportunity to gain; moderates. Those who self-identified themselves as moderates overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and, eventually, 2012. They were also overwhelmingly disappointed with Obama and very ready to look at an alternative in 2012.
In the Republican primaries Romney never really faced a formidable opponent. He tacked right to ward off what really was a lunatic fringe and in the process tarnished his reputation. Once he won he took a while to move back to the moderate Mitt that politicos were familiar with; the first debate being the main occasion. He began to overtake Obama in the polls and the momentum was with him. Moderate Mitt had a real shot at winning. He only had the problem of his own campaigning over the previous year to stand in his way. When candidates change their positions, particularly over a short period of time, and often, the electorate becomes wary. They may have liked what Romney was saying but now the question became could they believe it? Add to that a few offhanded remarks by some extreme social conservatives regarding God's intention of rape etc., and the doubt surrounding Mitt ruined the parity he had created between him and Obama amongst women.
Obama was by no means a shoe-in. He has been a popular president but he has also been popularly disappointing to a great number of Americans. Midwesterners, blue-collar workers, suburban moms, Hispanics, and young urban professionals (or yuppies, as seems unfashionable to call them now) were groups that largely voted for Obama in 2008 and were ripe for the picking by a moderate opponent; one like the Governor of Massachusetts, saviour of the Salt Lake City Olympics and successful businessman. Many of these voters liked Obama because of the hope and change he promised. They hoped he could work with his opponents to achieve change but Obama never approached Republicans to create bi-partisan plans with him --rather he presented prefabricated plans to Republicans and then insisted they sign on.
Obama won for a variety of reasons, the most important of which are demonstrated by contrasting him with Romney. Obama campaigned on his record of steady, concrete action. He achieved less than Americans had hoped --and on the results they were mixed-- but he had followed through, or attempted to, on his campaign promises and promised more change for the next four years. He did not go back and forth on positions or seem hard to pin down politically. Romney did. Obama did less to adapt his record to a more moderate position, however, the radical elements of the Democratic party are simply not as prominent as they are in the Republican party. This created the impression –or illusion-- that Romney was more extreme and Obama more moderate.
I will admit that Romney was my favourite in the Republican primaries of 2008. In 2012 I was hoping it would be his year. I thought it was time for the Republican party to moderate itself and bring the power within the party back in line with the political compass of America. It seems such a process needs to develop roots and grow over time, rather than the sudden shift I was hoping for. The Republican Party was founded on principles and ideas that are timeless. Republican ideals are at the heart of what it means to be American and that will never change. Despite all the partisan noise and the habit of expressing things in extreme ways, Americans are moderates and are increasingly identifying themselves in this manner.
This being the most important lesson of the election. The Democrats positioned themselves, starting with Bill Clinton, as a party of moderates. They were forced to do so by lacklustre performances at the polls for over a decade and the perception that they were only accessible to those far to the left. Now is the time for the Republicans to do the same. The two-party system in America works only if both parties operate as “big tent” homes to a variety of political attitudes, ideas, groups, and individuals that can unite around central tenants. The smaller that Republicans make their tent, and the larger Democrats make theirs, the more lopsided American democracy becomes. This is unhealthy for all Americans and democracy the world over.
Most corrupt election ever.
ReplyDelete50 States petitioning to leave the union.
Get a grip.
So conservatives must go leftward in order to win. Win though you lose your soul. Conservatism is the effort to be wise and do right, not to be popular. Like Christianity, conservatism demands of us that we win converts for their own sake; contrast progressivism whose cause is to dupe or bully people into accepting the progressive agenda for the enrichment and glorification of those who crafted it.
ReplyDeleteAs to dsaar's response. I'm not sure much of a reply is necessary to that. I think we can all be sure the Union will survive these troubled times. Dollops I suppose one could look at it as conservatives "going leftward" but that is not how I see it. I also doubt that is the way that Stephen Harper and his cabinet, David Cameron and his cabinet, Angela Merkel and her cabinets, or previously Nicolaz Zarcozy and his cabinets, and many other conservatives around the world that have been elected see their attempts to attract moderates and centrists to their agenda. All of these leaders, and their parties, have been accused by some of moving leftward. I see practical politicians with ideologies, beliefs, and attitudes regarding politics and governing that are described as "conservative". I am a bit unsure about how you have characterized progressives and conservatives and don't particularly understand the comparison between Christianity and conservatism. I do know that both titles are defined differently by different people and it is common for individuals who consider themselves to be Christian or conservative to insist that others who say they belong to these groups do not belong. I'll take people at their word. As a conservative, part of the individualism I consider so crucial to my understanding of the world is an acceptance that their are different types of people. And different types of conservatives and Christians. We have numerous other titles and names to label these sub-groups, for which we can have numerous more disagreements and misunderstandings, that represent variations within the group. As we are all individuals, no one person is going to have the exact same ideas, beliefs, or ideology as any other one person. I personally feel titles can be restricting at the same time as they are very useful. When I say I am a conservative that means very different things to different people. I explained the naming of my blog in another post but I understand the aversion many conservatives have to the term "progressive". It is an aversion, which I explained before, that I share on some level. However, that is because conservatives and others have allowed the left to dominate the discourse surrounding progress and to define the word on their own terms. What progress means to me is a positive outlook on the world that sees humanism, democracy, individualism, capitalism as enlightened systems, ideologies, and ways of viewing the world that have advanced humanity and have the power to continue to do so if we choose to continue to perfect and preserve them. I understand your sentiments. In the war for ideas, politicians have to pick and choose their battles. To be electorally successful political parties often have to pick certain aspects to focus on and others to leave alone or adapt to changing sentiments. That is what I feel the Republican Party has to do in order to remain strong and to dominate the war of ideas. If some call that "going leftward" than so be it.
ReplyDeleteRob, I hope you don't mind a little more examination of your position - I don't disagree with you but you might say that I wish to caution you and watch your back. Your quote from Mill is slightly off the mark and I hope not revealing of your outlook. In your quote he says the individual is sovereign in instances where his thoughts and actions concern only himself, but there are no such instances. We all owe an uncountable number of people for making us into what we are, and a vast network of others who will be affected by the things we do. No addiction, no suicide, no abortion is ever an isolated occurrence and the conservative and Christian view of such things is to involve ourselves because we are all vulnerable to bad choices, differing only in degree.
ReplyDeleteOf course we will vote for the least objectionable candidate regardless of the name he bears but in order to make that choice we have to know what the best possible policy is. Think of every correct answer to every question as conservative and then every other approach is somewhere to the left of it. So, just how far left are you willing to go?
I welcome any commentary! John Stuart Mill is my favourite political theorist, economist, and philosopher. The quote is from one of his most influential essays "On Liberty". I did cut out a few lines in the quote but I feel the main point is still made. It primarily is in regard to freedom of thought but also in regards to the sanctity of the individual's body as you stated with abortion and suicide. The point he is making is that the individual must remain sovereign over his mind and body particularly in relation to the state. I would certainly not be characterized by most as a social conservative. On social issues I would call myself pragmatic and moderate. I feel that it is unhealthy for a society when the government controls too much. A good government is a limited government. I feel this is true in relation to all aspects of governance, not just some. So to many I would be labelled a libertarian. I personally don't like the title for a variety of reasons, namely that I feel libertarianism indicates a level of ambivalence towards others as I think you get at regarding the Christian and conservative 'responsibility' of sorts. I don't know about the scale you've envisioned in the end because it depends on individual definitions of degrees and conservatism as well as adherence to a "scale" that doesn't really fit all political questions in reality. It seems you are suggesting that the right, proper conservative solution to every political question is the farthest to the right you can go. Traditionally that is called fascism and I agree on absolutely no level with that ideology. I can be pretty sure that's not what you meant though. I just don't think the traditional "scale" represents the complex considerations that go into a policy issue such as say, abortion. When I consider such a question I do it coming from the same personal ideology I approach all issues with. But the end result I reach may be characterized differently than the end result of consideration on another issue with the same personal starting point. Anyways, I certainly don't adhere to everything Mill theorized. I enjoy reading and reflecting on him and a great deal of that has led me to my own opinions. I am also certainly not going to allow my "conservatism" to put me into a box that limits me in any way. I do not believe that is the purpose of ideology or labels. It is also why I feel liberalism and conservatism are the most perfected ideologies that we have created; because they are not easily defined, they are complex, and they are as individual as we are.
ReplyDeleteOnce more .. There is no right wing. There is no extreme right. Fascism is coercive and therefore leftist. There is no conservative ideology. Conservatism is not definable except in terms of what it is not. It is not pestering, not whinging, not coercive, not elitist, not pandering, not disingenuous, not all those things that we call left wing. Like Christianity which is the quest to be Christ-like conservatism is the quest to be perfectly wise and effective in all circumstances. No mortal can be expected to reach those goals but the attempt is what differentiates us. My Catholicism and conservatism bid me to intervene with others for the greater good - and then to back off and let what will happen, happen. So, Rob, tuum est.
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